Homes For Sale in Arvada West
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Arvada West Subdivision
Arvada West has 1041 homes and is located between W 66th Avenue and Miller Street in Arvada. Homes in this subdivision are mostly ranch type which sits on a lot of 7000 square feet to quarter of an acre with 1200-2600 finished square feet. Majority of these homes were built between 1957 and 1962 with 1100-1600 above grade square feet and have a 1 car attached garage. Ralston Recreation Area, having a soccer field and a baseball diamond in a grassy covering is located just 2 miles from Arvada West. Skate City Arvada, with roller skating rink and providing roller-skating classes for all age groups with minimum session cost is located just 2.6 miles away from this subdivision. Kids in the area will attend Campbell Elementary, Oberon Middle, and Arvada West High School.
Selling a Home in Arvada West
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New to the Area? Call our Arvada West real estate agent at 303-325-5690 to schedule your tour of Homes in Arvada CO.
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