Homes For Sale in Sugarloaf Estates
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Sugarloaf Estates Subdivision
Sugarloaf Estates consists of 288 homes which are located at the intersection of N Garfield Avenue and E 42nd Street. This subdivision is ideally surrounded by several parks in the neighborhood and is located in the northern region of Loveland. The Sugarloaf Estates homes for sale were constructed between 1977 and 1997 with 1300-1900 above grade square feet. There are many different homes in this subdivision such as ranch, 2 story, bi-level and four-level with 1600-2300 finished square feet. The homes sit on impressive lots of 5500-7500 square feet. Stansberry Elementary, Ball (conrad) Middle and Mountain View High School are the schools located nearby and children from this area attend them. Boyd Lake State Park, a well maintained park with nice paved trails for biking and has beautiful camping spots in located just 2 miles away from Sugarloaf Estates. Most of the homes in this subdivision have a basement. The community is managed by Sugarloaf Estates South which covers facilities such as common area maintenance. This subdivision is ideally surrounded by several parks in the neighborhood and the views of the parks from the home are a treat to the eyes.
Selling a Home in Sugarloaf Estates
See what your home is worth With an Instant Home Valuation Online. Want advice on selling your house? We provide a free staging consultation, pre-listing prep plan, and a Sugarloaf Estates real estate market analysis. Call us at 970-658-8181 to learn more.
Local Schools
School District:
Elementary School:
- Stansberry Elementary School
Middle School:
- Ball Middle School
Senior High School:
- Mountain View High School
New to the Area? Call our Sugarloaf Estates real estate agent at 970-658-8181 to schedule your tour of Homes in Loveland CO.
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